Understanding the UK school system can seem complex from the outside, especially if you have never experienced it. The different names for years, and parts of school, can be very confusing. This is especially true with the different systems in place in different parts of …
What Are the Different Types of University Degrees?
Lots of people talk generally about university degrees, but this doesn’t mean one set thing – there are actually lots of different types of degree in the UK. While there are some more common types that most people have heard of, like a bachelor’s degree, …
When Do SATs Results Come Out in 2024?
The majority of the UK will have heard of SATs. They’re that Year 6 exam sat ages ago for a lot of the population, and a lot of people might have forgotten about them already. However, there are still thousands of students that take the …
Are SATs Results Published?
Most people in the UK will know what SATs are, having either gone through them or know somebody who is currently undertaking them. While these exams might be fairly well-known, there will of course be people who aren’t familiar with them. Regardless, not a lot …
What Are Higher Level Apprenticeships?
The world of apprenticeships is probably unfamiliar to a lot of students, which is not surprising, as higher education (i.e., university) is still a popular choice for most students in the UK. However, apprenticeships are becoming increasingly popular, and in fact, there are many different …
What Should You Wear To Work Experience?
Work experience can be a fun and exciting time, since it’s the first opportunity most students have to actually acquire some hands-on practical experience. However, this also means that much of the workplace etiquette is probably new to you, and that’s okay! One question many …
What are the Facilitating Subjects at A-Level?
Trying to choose A-Levels can be a very stressful time. There are so many factors you need to consider, not only what you enjoy but also what will help you get into university, and your previous grades. Furthermore, the complex terminology which is used by …
10 Tips For Getting a First Job as a Student
It can be useful for a student to get a job and earn a little extra money. If you are still in school, you may be considering getting a job for the experience and doing something a little different to studying. Alternatively, if you are …
How Much Are Apprenticeship Wages?
Many students decide to become apprentices when they realise that they will get paid by the company they are employed in. This can be seen as such a bonus, as apprentices are still learning on the job, so they get paid whilst acquiring new skills. …
16 To 19 Bursary Fund | Comprehensive Guide For Students
In the UK, sixth form or college is free to 16- 19-year-olds. However, we can often forget that there still are so many little costs involved with continuing education at this age. From your travel costs to paying for textbooks to going on trips and …