Going into sixth form or college is often a stressful time, with a lot of new terminology to get used to. Along with this comes a lot of information about exams and courses which students are suddenly expected to understand, including AS-Levels, A-Levels, and A2 …
Does an EPQ Count as an A-Level?
Going into sixth form is an exciting time, getting to pick new subjects and try things that were not an option before. One of the most exciting options for many students is the EPQ or extended project. It involves writing an extended dissertation or creating …
How to Get an A* in an A-Level Geography NEA
An NEA is worth 20% of your overall grade in A-Level Geography. It may not seem like much at first, but that’s 1/5 of your qualification – so you definitely want to make sure it boosts your overall grade! As well as this, there will …
How Long Are A-Level Exams?
The A-Level exam period can be an incredibly stressful time for students. It represents the culmination of 2 years of hard work, and often the end of school too. However, it is not only the pressure that many students find stressful. The length of exams, …
Do AS-Levels Still Exist 2025
After you have completed your GCSEs, you will probably be wondering what your next step in education will be. You will probably have heard about taking A-Levels or doing an apprenticeship. However, have you heard of AS-Levels? This term is thrown all over the place …
How Important Are Your Predicted Grades?
You may feel that predicted grades are pointless. As your predicted grades aren’t your real grades and don’t define the grades you get after your exams at all, this can make sense. However, predicted grades are used due to being necessary for particular scenarios, which …
Can You Take A-Levels Privately?
If you think that the classroom life isn’t for you, and that you would prefer to do your A-Levels by yourself, you may be considering doing it on your own. With this, you could work at your own pace with only your self at your …
Do You Do Mock Exams For A-Levels?
A-Level exams are the culmination of many years of school education. While this can make them feel exciting for many students, a chance to prove their knowledge and move on to the next step, they can also be very stressful. While A-Levels work mostly in …
Are Mocks Harder Than The Real Exam?
Often, before big exams such as GCSEs and A-Levels, your school or college will give you a series of mock exams to prepare. These are meant to be similar to real exams to help you get used to how they work. It should be a …
How Hard is A-Level History?
When choosing your A-Level options, you want to make sure you have options that suit your future career plans but are also manageable. A-Level History is a subject that can take you down several paths, from History, to English, to Law, to Economics and other …