Trying to choose A-Levels can be a very stressful time. There are so many factors you need to consider, not only what you enjoy but also what will help you get into university, and your previous grades. Furthermore, the complex terminology which is used by …
What Is The International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma?
As students move through their academic journeys, there will be many pathways available for them to take in order to get a better start for their careers. The main ones include options like A-Levels and T-Levels, but did you know that there are other qualifications …
10+ Tips To Avoid Cramming For An Exam | Advice By A Student
Have you ever left revising for an exam to the last minute? If you are a student, the answer is probably yes! It is in a student’s nature to leave revising for an exam to the last minute at least once in their lives. When …
Are A-Levels Getting Harder or Easier? – Student Opinion
When it comes to A-Levels, there’s often a lot of talk about “grade inflation” and “dumbing down”. The problem is that when people say this, they often don’t have anything to back up this argument. Moreover, with the 2015 reformation of A-Levels could the “dumbing …
How Hard Are A-Levels Compared To Other Countries Equivalents?
With A-Level qualifications, it can be useful to compare them to other UK qualifications at the same level, whether these are T-Levels or BTECs or apprenticeships or many other qualifications. However, when trying to see the standard of A-Level qualifications and how these qualifications really …
Does it Matter Which A-Levels You Take?
Choosing your A-Levels is a very exciting time for many students. It is a big step towards choosing your path in life, allowing you to focus on the subjects you really love after years of mandatory choices. However, for many students this time is also …
What Happens If You Get Caught Cheating in Your A-Levels?
A-Levels are one of the most stressful and difficult periods of many students’ lives. Many feel immense pressure to do well, and this can lead to students resorting to cheating to succeed. However, the rules against cheating in place during exams are there to ensure …
How Many Times Can You Retake an A-Level?
With big exams, such as GCSEs and A-Levels, creeping up on students, there will inevitably be failure in the same strand as success. Students might’ve experienced failure already or might be worried about the worst-case scenario – this is natural and perfectly fine. In regard …
Dropped Out of Sixth Form? | 5 Potential Paths to Consider Next
Some students just get fed up of sixth form. This is understandable, as sixth from just isn’t for everyone. It could be that some individuals have just had enough of the school environment and the teachers. Sometimes, two years is just too much time to …
Can You Drop an A-Level in Either Year 12 or 13?
Sometimes, A-Levels can just seem too much! Students are given a mountain of homework and revision to do, often with strict deadlines. Therefore, it is no surprise that some students dream of reducing their workload and hope to maybe detach themselves from one of their …