The time has come for you to decide whether you take 3 or 4 A-Levels, and it’s hard to choose. What are the benefits of 4 A-Levels? What are the drawbacks? How many A-Levels do most people actually take? The majority of A-Level students take …
How Hard is A-Level Maths Compared to GCSE Maths?
Maths is widely acknowledged to be one of the hardest subjects you study at school. Each year, thousands of students struggle to get their heads around equations, graphs and algebra. However, maths is incredibly useful in a range of careers, and it is compulsory in …
What is the Best Calculator For A-Level Maths & Further Maths?
Being a student myself who has recently finished GCSE’s and is now studying both Maths and Further Maths at sixth form college, I thought I’d give you a few tips on what calculator you will need! Gone are the days of simple little calculators and …