What is the best calculator for GCSE Maths?

What is the Best Calculator For GCSE Maths?

In GCSE by Think Student Editor2 Comments

If you want to ace your GCSE Maths exams, you’re going to need a good calculator. With so many options on the market, it can be hard to choose the right one for you.

I’ve just finished GCSE Maths, and I’ve already passed on my calculator to a student in the year below to help them with their exams. Trust me when I tell you – this article will tell you everything you need to know about GCSE calculators. The links below will take you to amazon.co.uk.

The short answer: If you want the best calculator for GCSE Maths you should really be getting the Casio FX-991EX, as it provides all the functionality you need for GCSE Maths. This calculator is a solid piece of equipment that will keep you going through both school and even college (if you decide to take maths that far). However, if you really don’t have the budget for the Casio FX-991EX, the second best calculator for GCSE Maths is the Casio FX-85GT.

If you’d rather read through all your options, find a helpful guide to GCSE calculators below.

Which calculator options do you have for GCSE Maths?

Overall, of the calculators there are in the world, you’ve got quite a few options. In this article I’ll be going over just three, but these are the only three you’ll want to consider using for GCSE Maths.

You’ll want a calculator that is quick and has a few functions that might come in handy during your GCSE. Most calculators fit that description, but only a select few standout from the pack.

The first option you have is the Casio FX-991EX. This calculator is the best choice for GCSE if there is a strong possibility of you progressing onto A-Level Maths. You can purchase this calculator here on amazon.

This calculator has a special function that allows you to check if you’ve solved equations correctly, too. This can be incredibly useful for your GCSE Maths exams, as this is a skill that is commonly tested.

The second-best option you have is the Casio FX-85GT Plus. This calculator is a safe pick for GCSE Maths and is the probably the most common calculator people buy. You can purchase this on amazon here.

The last option we will be looking at is the Casio FX-83GTXThis calculator meets the minimum requirements for GCSE Maths but doesn’t do much else. You can purchase this on amazon here.

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Do you need a calculator for GCSE Maths?

I know what you’re thinking: surely GCSE Maths can’t be that hard, I bet I don’t even need a calculator. If you thought that, however, you’d (likely) be wrong.

The pass rate of GCSE Maths in 2019 was 59.6%. And that’s with calculators. This pass rate is shockingly bad, but this can be helped with the right calculator.

If you have the right calculator and you know how to use it, you can avoid being in the 40.4% of students who don’t pass their maths exams.

A few of my friends attempted to take GCSE Maths without a calculator, and it didn’t end well for them. A few of my friends also attempted to take GCSE Maths with the wrong calculator, and they ended up the same way.

Getting the right calculator for you is so important, and it’s important to get it as early as possible too. You need enough time to learn how to use it, and so getting your calculator early is essential for your success.

What features do you need for a GCSE calculator?

The best calculators will have the most features, that’s a given. But the real question is, what features do you need for GCSE Maths?

The most important feature you’ll need is GCSE calculation. This is just the basic functions you need for calculation at GCSE level, and all the calculators in this article have this feature.

Another feature you’ll want to look out for is a statistics setting. This feature is especially useful if you’re planning on taking A-Level Maths at college, but it can also be useful at GCSE level.

The best feature you can have, however, is a feature that solves equations for you. This feature can be found on one of the calculators in this list (funnily enough, it also happens to be the best calculator).

Any other features a calculator has are added bonuses and are just there to make your life easier.

Be careful that you don’t buy a programmable calculator though. These calculators are not allowed in any maths exams and could get you disqualified if examiners find you using one.

Are there any calculators you can use for both A-Level Maths as well as GCSE Maths?

To make the most efficient use of your time, you’ll want to buy a calculator that will get you through both GCSE Maths and A-Level Maths. (If you’re not planning on taking A-Level Maths, you can just skip this part of the article).

The best calculator for both GCSE Maths and A-Level Maths is the Casio FX-991EX. You won’t find a calculator better for your combined studies than this one, and that’s a fact.

The Casio FX-991EX will carry you through your GCSE and will do exceptionally well in your A-Level too. It’s got more than enough functions for GCSE Maths, and just enough for A-Level Maths.

The Casio FX-85GT Plus can also be used for part of A-Level Maths but can sometimes fall short of the mark. When it comes to statistics in A-Level Maths, the Casio FX-85GT Plus just can’t keep up. If, however you would like to purchase this calculator you can buy it here on amazon.

If you’re looking for a more in-depth guide on calculators for student life after school check out this Think Student article on the best calculator for A-level Maths & Further Maths.

Casio FX-991EX: The best calculator for GCSE Maths

The Casio FX-991EX is the best choice for GCSE Maths. Buy anything else, and you could be selling yourself short. You can purchase this calculator on amazon here.

The Casio FX-991EX is pictured below:

GCSE Calculator: Casio FX-991EX

Good functionality, broad features, and versatility is what you can expect from this calculator. This is the calculator that I used for my GCSEs.

The Casio FX-991EX even has a ‘solving equations’ feature, that allows you to solve any polynomial equation. This can come in handy for your GCSE exams.

Not only will this calculator be a godsend for your GCSE, but it should help you at A-Level, too. This is especially useful for you budding mathematicians out there.

And with a price tag of around £28, you can’t really say no… Okay, well maybe you can.

This calculator may be the most expensive on this list, but it’s worth the money if you are progressing onto A-Level Maths.

Casio FX-85GT Plus: The most common calculator choice

If you’re looking for a calculator that will fit in with the crowd, then this is the choice for you. Most students choose this calculator, and for good reason.

The Casio FX-85GT Plus is pictured below:

GCSE Calculator: Casio FX-85GT

This is the best calculator for students that don’t want to pay for the flashy Casio FX-991EX. 

The Casio FX-85GT Plus still has great functionality (for a GCSE calculator) and will get you through your GCSEs. It’s easy to use too, which is perfect for students who aren’t bothered by extra functions. You can buy this calculator here on amazon.

This calculator has the right number of functions and features needed for GCSE Maths, but it may still leave you wanting when it comes to your actual exams.

The Casio FX-85GT Plus is alright, but it also won’t do you any favours if you’re hoping to take it into A-Level Maths or A-Level Further Maths.

Casio FX-83GTX: The best budget GCSE calculator

The Casio FX-83GTX is a calculator for students who don’t really care about their GCSE Maths grade. If you’re looking to leave maths behind after school, you could probably leave this calculator along with it.

The best thing about this GCSE calculator is the price tag. At a very respectable £9.99, this calculator is easier afforded than the other calculators on this list. If you’d like to purchase this calculator click here to buy on amazon.

The Casio FX-83GTX is pictured below:

GCSE Calculator: Casio FX-83GTX

However, the price is low at the cost of quite a few functions. This calculator barely meets the requirements for what you need in GCSE Maths but will just about see you through.

Do you remember that 40.4% from earlier? You’ve got a good chance of ending up in this group of students if you buy this calculator.

I highly recommend spending the extra £18 to buy the Casio FX-991EX, just to give you the best chance of success.

I used the Casio FX-991EX when I did my GCSE, and it helped me secure a grade 9!

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4 years ago

Which advanced features on the FX991 did you actually use in your GCSE exam? I think you are being overly modest about your own ability (otherwise we should just give grade 9s automatically to anyone carrying this calculator). Anyone can achieve their best grade without it being dependent on being well off enough to have the very best available calculator. Again you must have had a good understanding and put in work and effort to achieve the result.

2 years ago

In my university days back in the 90s I used an fx115. They’ve changed a lot since then it seems. The most useful advanced feature for me was the ability to work with complex numbers. You can’t really do an engineering degree (at least if you specialise in electronics and signals) without that. Complex algebra can make solving things like AC circuit questions in school physics easier if your teacher teaches you how to use it.