When are Year 2 SATs?

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Each year, thousands of students around the globe and in the UK sit exams: many mundane and unextraordinary, and many important and nerve-wracking ones.  There are the standard ones more people, even across the world, will know of – GCSEs and A-Levels to name a few. However, those in the UK will have likely heard of SATs; primary school children in the UK are required to sit these exams in order to be assessed for the future. There are two sets of SATs sat – those in Key Stage 1 and those in Key Stage 2 – but although they’re taken each year, a lot of people don’t really know about or can’t remember them. So without further ado, when are Year 2 SATs?

In short, Year 2 SATs are recommended by the government to take place during May, which schools adhere to. In 2024, KS1 SATs are optional for schools to administer – unlike KS2 SATs, students aren’t required to take them if they’re born after 31st August 2015. This means that unfortunately, a precise date for KS1 SATs cannot be given as each date and timetable is up to the school’s individual discretion. If you would like to read more on this information, check out this page on the UK government website!

While this may have given you a brief glimpse of when KS1 SATs are, it may be more helpful to read on so you can gain a more nuanced understanding of the topic in question.

When are Year 2 SATs?

Year 2 SATs will take place in May. As of July 2024, the KS1 2024 SATs are only stated as taking place in May. Key Stage 1 exams have been made compulsory, and it is up to the school’s discretion (not parents’) to set KS1 exams.

If you would like to read more about dates, check out this article from SATs Papers.

What should you do if your child has special arrangement for exams? If your child normally has special arrangement for exams, like a scribe or extra time, then teachers will arrange this for the child. It will also be helpful to email your child’s teacher about this.

What are SATs?

Standardised Assessment Tests are a small group of exams used to track children’s progress during their earlier parts of education; two sets of SATs, one for Year 2 and the other for Year 6. Children are tested on their mathematic ability (arithmetic and reasoning) as well as their writing ability (reading, grammar, punctuation and spelling).

SATs in Year 6 are compulsory for almost all students (exceptions are if children are working well below national level due to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities – SEND – or if they don’t have proper skills to take the tests).

To make it clear, KS1 SATs are optional, but that choice for whether or not your child takes the test is up to the school’s discretion, not the parents’. If a parent wants their child to do the KS1 SATs but the school just does not administer them, the student will not be able to sit the exams in that particular school.

Below you can find a list showing the exams that children doing these optional SATs, as well as the approximate times of completion:

  • English reading: 30 minute test, 40 minute test
  • Arithmetic (maths): 20 minute test
  • Reasoning (maths) test: 35 minute test
  • (optional) Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling tests: 35 minutes, two tests

If you would like to read more about what SATs are, check out this article from Think Student.

What is the key difference between Year 2 and Year 6 SATs?

Firstly, there is a difference in which exam is compulsory for students – SATs are compulsory for all KS2 students (Year 6), but SATs are only compulsory for KS1 pupils born before the 31st August 2015.

The government has clarified that the Year 2 SATs are optional for schools to carry out; ultimately, the key difference between the two sets of exams is this.

Both sets of exams are in May, and both test a student’s reading and writing ability. In this regard, their use is very similar; testing a student’s ability.

To read more about government requirements for SATs in Year 2 and Year 6, check out this helpful guide from the UK Government website!

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